

The Department of Architectural Engineering & spatial planning was founded in 1989, it provides a curriculum leading to the bachelor's degree with a specialization in architectural engineering in one of the following concentrations: architectural design, urban planning or without concentration (general track). Students are admitted in the Department after the completion of the Faculty's requirements for the freshman year, and based on the terms and conditions mentioned in the University.

The Department considers the environmental aspect as an objective base for the success of its work; therefore this commitment is base measurement in defining the quality of the graduates and their performance. This emphasizes the importance of studying architecture in a local environment, which helps the student to interact with the environment which he belongs, and to push him to recognize its problems and explore their solutions, which increases the commitment to reality and to society. Especially for this reason, the department seeks to formulate its mission and goals in a way to fulfill this commitment and target its curriculum plan to achieve its goals from the graduates, and to develop practical components and theoretical units for the urgent needs of commitment to environment



 Mission & Philosophy

The Department of Architecture seeks to develop distinct architects, who combine knowledge, architectural creativity and engineering awareness, ensuring the coherence and integration required for the practice of the profession and the preservation of its customs and traditions, They work to consolidate the values of civilization and yet keep pace with time.  

The department also strives on preparing architects to be able to take initiative, compete, think free, endure responsibility, and interact with society issues.



- Developing the concept of architecture and urbanism for the students as a social phenomenon which stems from the renewable needs of the community, and developing their capacity to grasp the factors affecting them.

- Developing students' abilities to use various tools in the areas of expression and design.

- Developing the students' imagination and knowledge in the field of architectural and urban design, controlling objects, visual perception of space and its components, also in understanding the phenomena that affect design.

- Introducing the students to schools and trends that formed the cultural heritage of mankind, and to provide them with the knowledge and analytical skills to be able to analyze and critique in order to achieve communication and interaction between the history of architecture and construction and their present state.

- To teach students the basis needed to document urban and architectural features, and train them on data collection to analyze it.

- To give students the skills that help them choose the best of construction systems, methods and materials, and the application of modern architectural systems that fit with the needs and requirements of the social life.

- To clarify the relationship between architectural and engineering concepts, and to provide students with knowledge necessary to understand the environment and the interrelationship among its elements.

- Develop students' ability to conduct scientific research and studies on Palestinian society, and interact with it.

- To strengthen the spirit of teamwork among students.


* The outputs expected from the graduates of the Architectural Engineering Department

- The ability to apply presentation tools, methods and techniques in different areas of the architectural work.

- The ability to control spaces and objects, and the perception of their visual components.

- The ability to develop architectural designs and resolve different issues that arise from it, and understanding their relationship to other areas of engineering from project management to environmental control, and their construction techniques and methods.

- The ability to understand architecture of different historical eras, and utilize it in criticizing and analyzing modern phenomena, and link them to the needs of the community.

- The ability to deal with cultural heritage in the field of architecture and construction, and resolve the issues associated with its values and rehabilitation for the present.

- The ability to lay the necessary foundations for urban planning and formulating solutions to the issues affecting it.

- The ability for continuous learning and interaction with contemporary issues.

- The ability to work in a group, and honor the values of the profession and its morals.


Areas of work and application

- Architectural design for all types of buildings and facilities (residential buildings, public, administrative, commercial, cultural, industrial, agricultural, etc. ...).

- Interior design.

- Industrial design (furniture, home and office supplies, tiles, sanitary installations, lighting units, etc ...).

- The design of open spaces (public and private gardens, parks ... etc.).

- Planning spaces in all aspects (planning of cities and villages, and planning at the local, national and regional level ... etc.).

- Working drawings for various projects.

- Graphic design and presentation.

- The rehabilitation and development of buildings and historical architectural complexes.

- Urban Design (housing projects, tourist and recreational areas, the development of urban centers and villages, sports complexes ... etc.).

- Visual art.



Facilities & Resources


The department has a number of specialized drawing labs distributed according to levels of work in the department, which are numbered 425 for the second year students, and 427 for the third year students, and 525 for the fifth year students, 527 fourth year students. In addition to another lab used specifically for the different visual communications courses. The department also uses Lab 342 and 245 to cover the needs for teaching depending on the need and necessity. The department has a laboratory "127" for 3D modeling which is open to all students in the department to work on various projects, equipped with appropriate equipment and in very good condition.

1- Studios

The Faculty houses sufficient number of modern studios equipped with a variety of drawing, drafting and printing instruments and tools for Architectural Engineering and Interior Design students.

2- Laboratories

The department has well equipped laboratories to provide practical hands-on experience to Architectural  students . The major laboratories in the Faculty are as follows: 

- Computer Aided Design Laboratory 
- Plastic and models Laboratory 
- Projects Laboratory Studios

3- Lecture Rooms

Lecture rooms in the Faculty are furnished with study chairs and desks. Provisions are made to facilitate the use of audiovisual aids such as overhead projectors, slide projectors, computer projection devices and video tape players. Many of the lecture rooms are also connected to the University Network.

4- Others

The Faculty students also have access to other University facilities such as computer rooms, learning and information resources, bookshop, sports and recreation hall, cafeteria, clinic, playing grounds, Bibleothec, etc.