Department of Architectural Engineering & Spatial Planning
The Department of Architectural Engineering offers an academic program leading to Bachelor degree in Spatial planning .
Bachelor Degree in Spatial planning
Program Mission:
The Spatial Planning Engineering program at the department of Architectural Engineering and Spatial Planning aims for the preparation of distinguished planning engineers, who combine between the knowledge and skills of planning and the knowledge of other engineering discipline, in order to ensure coherence and integration necessary for the application of the profession; by maintaining its customs and traditions while working to consolidate the values of the new civilization and upgrading it to stay updated with the varieties through the years.
The program also aims for the training of planning engineers adept to initiative, competition, free thinking, responsibility, and interaction with community issues.
Students will be admitted competitively for direct specialization according to their Palestinian scientific stream average (TAWJIHI) or its equivalent.
Course Descriptions
Courses from the civil engineering program (ENCE):
223 Mechanics I (For Architectural Engineering Students)
2 cr. hrs.
Stress and strain of axially loaded members, stresses in flexure and torsion, shear stress, deflection of simple beams, buckling of columns. )lecture 2 hrs).
Prerequisite: ENCE232
330 Surveying I
2 cr. hrs.
Introduction to surveying, theory of errors, distance measurements, elevation measurements and related applications, Tachometry, angle measurements using Theodolite, traversing, areas and volumes, introduction to geodetic surveying, practical training in distance measurements, mapping, leveling, angle measurements, traverse surveying, contouring, and total station measurements (Lecture 2hrs + Sudio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENME121
431 Transportation Engineering
3 cr. Hrs
The importance and needs of transportation, transportation mode review: highways, railroads, airports, and seaports, the effects of transportation on social, economical, and environmental aspects of communities, introduction to traffic engineering and urban public transport. (Lecture 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL334, ENCE 330
Courses from other programs:
230 (GEOG) Introduction to Human Geography
3 cr. hrs.
Study of geographical science, its branches, and importance, its methodologies and basic phenomena, the spatial and temporal relationships between human and environment within the context of positive and negative aspects of ecology, basic principles for human geography, main indicators for universe population development, factors controlling growth of world population and distribution, economic geography and its branches, urban geography, political geography. (Lecture 3hr).
232 (GEOG) Cartography
3 cr. hrs.
Historical development of the science of cartography, history of mapping and surveying in Palestine, definition of maps and their characteristics, map types and elements, their benefits, interpretation and cartographic design elements, principals of cartographic generalization, legend symbols, graphical data presentation, annotation and analysis of detailed topographic maps. (Lecture 3hr).
Prerequisite: GEOG230
335 (GEOG) Introduction to Remote Sensing
3 cr. hrs.
Definition of remote sensing, methods of data assimilation, physical basis for remote sensing and uses, study of aerial photos along with its types and characteristics, 3D visualization, aerial photo analysis and interpretation, multi-spectral satellite images data, indicators and its role, types and characteristics, different systems of landsat (Landsat, Spot, Ikonos, and Radar) digital photos and enhancement, processing, and interpretation techniques. (Lecture 3hr).
Prerequisite: GEOG232, ENPL338
333 (SOCI) Urban Sociology
3 cr. hrs.
Study of the origin and development of cities, focus on contemporary cities in industrialized societies and the third world, rural-urban migration, the ruralization of cities, the spread of urban patterns in peasant and nomadic societies, expansion of the service sector, social relations in the city, patterns of human settlement in the city, urban social and political organization. (Lecture 3hr).
Prerequisite: ENPL333
337 (ECON) Engineering Economy (for engineering students only)
3 cr. hrs.
A prime exposure to some economic fundamentals including an analysis of regulations of demand and supply, and costs and production; Interests rates and their relation to time, economic methods for feasibility studies on economic enterprises and alternatives, selection a money different alternatives, economic evaluation of public projects. (Lecture 3hr).
Prerequisite: ENPL 333
Courses from the Architectural engineering program (ENAR):
229 History of Architecture (for Planning Students)
3 cr. hrs.
This course reviews the development of architecture and urbanism throughout prehistoric, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman times. In addition to the early Christianity period, Byzantine, Medieval and Islamic periods, the social, cultural, historical and technical dimensions that influenced architecture and urbanism over these periods. (Lecture 3 hrs).
Prerequisite: Program Acceptance
231 Principles of Architectural Design I
3 cr. hrs.
An introduction to elements of design (point, line, plane, volume). An introduction the theory and practice of two and three-dimensional compositions and their location in space, Applications on design basics and architectural compositions, Interplay of form and space and means of harmony in architecture, Proportions, dimensions and mobility, Perception of outdoor and indoor spaces and their relation to the human behavior, Design applications on simple topographic sites (Lecture 1hr + Studio 6 hrs).
Prerequisite: Program Acceptance
243 Architectural Presentations and Perspective
4 cr. hrs.
Symbols used in architectural drawings, Lettering, Architectural presentation using pen, ink and various techniques in color and graphite (wooden colors, water colors, pastel colors …), Dimensioning and scaling, rendering architectural projects emphasizing on sites, plans, elevation and sections using different techniques, Basics of perspective, Types elements and applications, Different methods of drawing perspectives, Shade and shadows, Application of shades and shadows on architectural elevations and 3-D objects. (Lecture 1hr + Studio 9 hrs).
Prerequisite: ENME 121, ENAR 211
329 Theories of Architecture (for Planning Student)
2cr. hrs.
This course explores the development of Architecture and urbanism in the postindustrial world up until contemporary period, The main social, technical, cultural and economical changes that led to the formation of new trends and schools of architectural and urban thought, The evolving architectural and urban trends in the Arab world since the 20th century and the main influences on the architecture and urban development. (Lecture 2 hr).
Prerequisite: ENAR229
330 Field School on Local Architecture
3cr. Hrs
A field workshop for a period of 45 days during the summer course, which concentrates on study and analysis of the Architectural heritage and values in Palestine. Students shall work in groups spread over different pre-selected locations at the Palestinian cities and villages, and according to a specific time-schedule, in order to survey and document the selected locations and suggest proposals for their development (Lecture 2hr + Studio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENAR329
339 Building Construction (For Civil & Planning Engineering Students)
3cr. hrs.
Fundamentals of Building constructions, Building construction elements and systems, Symbols used in preparation of working drawings, Site preparation, Foundations, Walls, Partitions, Roofs and floors, Staircases, Expansion, Contraction and settlement joints, Finishing works, Applications on different working drawings. (Lecture 2hr + Studio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENCE224 (For Civil Engineering Students), ENAR 231(for Planning Students).
Courses from Spatial Planning Engineering program (ENPL):
231 Design of Open Spaces
3 cr. hrs.
Introduction to principles and concepts of space design. Develop the ability of students to understand the patterns and forms of spaces. Projects related to Site analysis, space design. Evaluation of existing projects and designing a small projects of space design. (Lecture 1hr+ Studio 6 hrs.).
Prerequisite: ENAR231
232 Landscape Design
3 cr. hrs.
Landscape and public space design with concentration on planting design and planting material. Introduction to the types of home and neighborhood gardens and small parks in addition to the types and design of streets and public open spaces including pedestrian zones. Understanding the socio-economic and cultural meaning of the place through relevant site analysis. (lecture1hr + studio 6 hrs.)
Perquisite: ENPL 231
234 History of Spatial Planning and landscape
3 cr. hrs.
A review of the historical development of spatial planning overtimedue to major political and socioeconomic processes, Space transformation through history with a particular focus on the period between post– 18th century and the emergence of the industrial revolution until the present days, History of gardens through different eras: prehistory, classicism, medieval, Islamic, Chinese, Japanese, renaissance, modern. Landscape conservation and national parks. (Lecture 3 hrs.)
Perquisite: ENAR 229
236 Horticulture and Ecology
3 cr. hrs.
Plant identification, plant growth, kinds, and plant parts and their properties. Plant needs and requirements like soil, light, water, nutrition, fertilizers, pesticides, and maintenanceو Introduction to interior plants, lawns, rock plants, alpine, and aquatic plantsو The role of plants and plant communities in the design, planning and management of the land, The ecology and dynamics of native plant communities including plant geomorphology, plant/ soil/ water relationship, plant community succession, forest ecosystem dynamics, plant/ wildlife relationship and invasive non-native plants. (Lecture 3hrs)
Prerequisite: ENPL231
331 Design of Open Spaces
3 cr. hrs.
Introduction to principles and concepts of space design. Develop the ability of students to understand the patterns and forms of spaces. Projects related to Site analysis, space design. Evaluation of existing projects and designing a small projects of space design. (Lecture 1hr+ Studio 6 hrs.).
Prerequisite: ENAR231
332 Landscape Design
3 cr. hrs.
Landscape and public space design with concentration on planting design and planting material. Introduction to the types of home and neighborhood gardens and small parks in addition to the types and design of streets and public open spaces including pedestrian zones. Understanding the socio-economic and cultural meaning of the place through relevant site analysis. (lecture1hr + studio 6 hrs.)
Perquisite: ENPL 231
333 Principles of Spatial Planning I
3 cr. hrs.
Introduction to principles of spatial planning and theories at the local, regional and national levels, Different scientific and strategic planning approaches, Decision making mechanisms, Sectoral planning, Field surveys and data analysis, Development of planning alternatives for selected urban area, An overview on planning policies and planning practices in Palestine as well as on the different institutions involved in this process, Studio work concentrating on contemporary spatial planning issues. (lecture2hrs + Studio 3hrs) Prerequisite: ENPL234
334 Principles of Spatial Planning II
3 cr. hrs.
A review of contemporary planning issues such as: urban sprawls, smart growth, land management, sustainable development…etc, The development of structural plans and comprehensive planning strategies for future urban developments, A study of an urban fabric, its elements and characteristic, legal issues of land ownership and land division, Studio work focusing on genuine urban issues. (Lecture 2hr, Studio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL333
335 Legislation and Laws of Spatial Planning
3 cr. hrs.
Legal organization of land sector in Palestine, Land administration in Palestine, Impact of successive legislative policies on land sector in Palestine, Palestinian legislative policies for organization of the land sector, Planning and administration of land ownership in Palestine, Environmental laws for planning, Land physical boundaries, land law in Palestine and the successive colonial administrations, current issues in the Palestinian law policies and practices. (Lecture 3hrs)
Prerequisite: ENPL 333
336 Theories of Spatial Planning and Landscape
3 cr. hrs.
A review of critical theory in urban planning that corresponds to the local discourse in landscape and planning practices, The political, economical and social changes that led to the formation of the spatial planning, The main changes in the postindustrial world: Modernity and contemporary thought, Definition of landscape, Landscape conservation and modern parks movements, housing, cultural landscape, landscape change in relation to the multidisciplinary set of related theories from social, political, economical and environmental sciences, landscape perception, landscape assessment. (Lecture 3 hrs.)
Prerequisite: ENAR 234
338 Geographic Information Systems
3 cr. hrs.
Detailed survey of basic GIS principles and their use to solve urban design, landscape, planning and rehabilitation problems, Applications on different computer software programs available in this field. (Lecture 2hrs, Studio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENAR220, GEOG232
401 Practical Training
No credit
Professional training at a specialized establishment in Spatial Planning during the summer course and for a period of six weeks.
Prerequisite: ENPL434, ENPL437
412 Advanced Skills in Spatial Planning
1 cr. hr.
This course introduction to more advanced skills in design. Solving design problems by using various tools and media(digital media, video productions, layout and poster design, and three-dimensional simulations and modeling)و Developing the students’ ability to communicate their skills within a limited period of time. (Studio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: fourth year level
414 Seminar in Spatial Planning
1 cr. hr.
Seminar series on various topics of current issues in spatial planning, presented by the students with faculty supervision, the seminar aims to enhancing students’ skills in research writing and structure including referencing, citations, methodologies and PowerPoint presentation techniques, as well as to develop their research and discussion abilities and capabilities (lecture 2hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL 336
421 Environmental Planning
2 cr. hrs.
Students are introduced to notions of environment and environmental sustainability, to build an understanding of the evolution and practice of urban/rural and environmental planning, Students are introduced to various topics of sustainable development and other technical dimensions such as land development, land use, and environmental quality, Methods and techniques of use of renewable energy and natural resources such as solar energy, water, and wind, Climatic change and its implication on the living environment. (Lecture 2hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL334
422 Planning Statistics
2 cr. hrs.
An introduction on the practice of statistical analysis, the basic techniques of descriptive and inferential statistics that are used by practicing planners, the distinction between descriptive and inferential statistics and training on how to calculate measures of central tendency and dispersion, identifying the basic theoretical assumptions that underlie inferential statistics, perform simple linear and multivariate regression and interpret regression results, Use of the SPSS/PASW computer package to perform basic statistical analysis. (Lecture 2hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL333
425 Landscape Ecology
2 cr. hrs.
Students will be introduced to landscape-ecological concepts; landscape structures, functions and change. They will learn how to measure and quantify landscapes, how to define patches and quantify their characteristics such as size, shape, edge characteristics, pattern, connectedness etc. the ecological and human consequences of landscape processes including fragmentation, connectivity, grain size, etc. The role of landscape ecology in wildlife management The effects of landscape structure on wildlife populations and communities. (Lecture 1hrs+ Studio 3hrs)
Prerequisite: ENPL234, ENPL 236
431 Rehabilitation of Historical Sites
3 cr. hrs.
Understanding concepts of rehabilitation, ordinance creation, legal aspects of rehabilitation, technical and contemporary issues and controversies in the field of heritage rehabilitation. Projects focus on the philosophy and current issues in the rehabilitation of the historic centers of Palestinian towns and villages. (Lecture 2 hrs + Studio 3 hrs).
Perquisite: ENAR330, ENPL332 Understanding concepts of rehabilitation, ordinance creation, legal aspects of rehabilitation, technical and contemporary issues and controversies in the field of heritage rehabilitation. Projects focus on the philosophy and current issues in the rehabilitation of the historic centers of Palestinian towns and villages. (Lecture 2 hrs + Studio 3 hrs).
Perquisite: ENAR330, ENPL332
432 Forestry
3 cr. hrs.
Types of forests, natural and economical. The spectrum of functions related to forest in terms of tourism, recreation, sports, science and other fauna flora related activities. Forests in Palestine, history, morphology and the indigenous species of trees, batha, and shrubs forming the different types of forests. The different vegetal zones and the change of plant species that form forests. (Lecture 3hrs)
Perquisite: Department approval
433 Introduction to Infrastructure Planning
3 cr. hrs.
Policy and planning for the provision of water supply and sanitation services. Electricity and telephone network and supply. Review of available technologies with emphasis on planning and policy processes including economic, social, environmental, and health issues. Considerations of financing, pricing, institutional structure, consumer demand, and community participation in the planning process. Evaluation of policies and projects through local case studies. (Lecture 3hrs)
Prerequisite: ENPL334
434 Road Planning and Development
3 cr. hrs.
Road planning and development project that focuses on new proposals for regional and local roadincluding rural and agricultural roads. Projects that pursue the type, layout and course of the road within its natural and built environments. Planning considerations to land use regulations, environmental policies, existing infrastructural plans, design standards and aesthetics (lecture 2hrs + studio 3 hrs). Prerequisite: ENPL 421
436 Landscape Architecture (For Architecture Students)
3 cr. hrs.
The concept and meaning of landscape architecture, An over view of regional & environmental Landscaping, A brief about the history of Gardens and landscape through different eras, including the Islamic era, Overview on horticulture, plants, their types, description and maintenance, Site analysis and design of national, regional, private and public parks, Housing projects and landscape, Planting design, Studio work emphasizing on sites with different scale and nature (Lecture 1hr, 6hrs Studio).
Prerequisite: ENPL 333, ENAR441
437 Rural Planning and Development
3 cr. hrs.
Planning and development of rural areas including agricultural land, natural landscapes, recreational sites and rural built up spaces. Conservation and protection of natural landscape and agricultural lands as well as historic sitesin and surround rural areas. Understanding the socio economic structures of rural areas and the shift in the function of rural areas within their regions. Large scale project (lecture 1hr + Studio 6 hrs).
Perquisite ENPL 332, ENPL 335
438 Management of Spatial Planning Projects
3 cr. hrs.
Introductionto management of urban and rural projects at different planning and administrative levels. Students will be introduced to bids, Terms of reference, and bills and quantities preparation and evaluation processes.
Techniques of practical project management required for planners and consultants with focus on mechanisms of time activities and human and financial management. (Lecture 3 hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL332, 334
520 Introduction to Graduation Project
2 cr. hrs.
Project selection is based on the real needs of local society, data gathering, site selection and analysis with the guidance and approval of a faculty member in order to prepare a comprehensive research document that serves as design program for the course ENPL 530.
Prerequisite: 5th level, ENPL401, ENPL437
530 Graduation Project
3 cr. hrs.
Individual resolution of the graduation project defined and programmed in course ENAR 520, development of comprehensive design proposal involving all parameters of planning, urban design and landscape architecture. The final presentation consists of a complete set of drawings, model and written report. The work is prepared under the supervision of a faculty member, and is presented in a formal public jury.
Prerequisite: ENPL 520
531 Advanced Spatial Planning
3 cr. hrs.
An integrated development project intonating multi-sectoral planning. Focus on designing new cities, suburbs and industrial zones. Relevant socio-economic and environmental analysis that shape the direction, concepts and forms of development (Lecture1 hr + Studio 6hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL437
532 Planning and Gender
3 cr. hrs.
Concept of gender in relation to planning, explaining the influence of gender on people’s behavior and needs and how this influence the physical form of the environment (urban and rural), clarifying gender role in preparing the designs and the plans for our environments, relationship between gender and sustainability of planning. (Lecture 3hrs)
Prerequisite: Department approval
534 Visual Culture of Space
3 cr. hrs.
Understanding, analyzing and critiquing the different modes of visual representations in urban space by investigating the technologies of govern-mentality and modes of resistance manifested in the shaping of cities, public spaces, and the language of architecture within the modern era.(Lecture 3hrs)
Prerequisite: Department approval
536 Principle of Spatial Planning 3 (Spatial Planning in Palestine)
3 cr. hrs.
Urban planning in Palestine, Evolution of urban structures and the formation of urban fabrics in Palestine from Ottoman Period till now, Population growth and Distribution, Social, economical, environmental and planning problems of urban fabrics in Palestine. (Lecture 2hr, Studio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL334
537 Principles of Regional Planning
3 cr. hrs.
Examination of factors shaping a region with a focus on the role of metropolitan planning organizations. Review of several international regional planning models with a comparative examination of the local regional planning discourse. (Lecture 2hrs + Studio 3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL 336
538 Special Topics in Spatial Planning
3 cr. hrs.
A study of a selected spatial problem within a contemporary setting. A multi-sectoral analytical view on the selected topic; traditional and non-traditional approaches to problem definition and solution, techniques for understanding the spatial processes that shape the physical environment. (Lecture 3hrs).
Prerequisite:Department approval
539 Land Administration
3 cr. hrs.
Introducing the main land tenure systems worldwide and understanding deeply the land tenure system in Palestine as well as the legal and institutional framework regulating land administration in Palestine; Demonstrating knowledge of the land registration process in Palestine and means of maintaining land information; Discuss international case studies of land administration systems; Exploring the role of land administration in managing land use. (Lecture3hrs).
Prerequisite: ENPL 335